Friday, May 22, 2009

2007 National Writing Project Conference

The 2007 National Writing Project Conference was held in New York City, New York this year. It was a feast for the eyes and ears. We, the Appleseed Writing Project leadership team, had a great time seeing all of the neon lights in Times Square. Although the stage hands were on strike during our visit, the others were able to find a Broadway play to attend. I rode on the upper desk of the sight-seeing bus (in late November). It was sunny but, quite cold upstairs on that bus. I got several great photos of New York City and gathered plenty of inspiration for writing as I toured the city. I was creating my own writer's marathon for later as I reminisce about this fabulous experience. It was a great experience! The best part of my trip to the “big apple” was the professional development opportunities. Meeting with other National Writing Project technology liaisons from around the United States was extremely beneficial. It is always accelerating and inspiring to rub elbows with the experts in the fields of writing and technology. I have learned about Web 2.0 tools like wikis, blogs, twitter, collaborative on-line documents, social bookmarking, social networking, digital storytelling, and video conferencing as a direct result of being a member of the National Writing Project. The NWP has been the most beneficial professional training I have received as a teacher of art, writing, and technology.

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